LS GeoPerfect Sharpening Plan
Every month
+$20 Subscription is 30 days prepaid.
The Elite Customer scissors prepaid servicing plan. Sustain your GeoPerfect Scissors for precise cutting everday. Four sharpening services per year for one scissor.
Valid until canceled
GeoPerfect service plans available only on the LS Brands.
Setup a seperate prepaid plan for each LS Brand Scissor.
A scissors geometry must be preserved and not ignored,

LS Essential Sharpening Plan
Every month
+$17 Subscription is 30 days prepaid.
This prepaid service is for scissors requiring routine sharpening. Includes thorough assessment and disassembling of the scissors. Four sharpening services per year for one scissor.
Valid until canceled
Involves removing abrasions, nicks, & refurbishing the edge.
Does not entail a reconstruction of badly impaired scissors.
Setup seperate prepaid plan for each scissor.

LS Auxiliary Sharpening Plan
Every month
+$12 Subscription is 30 days prepaid.
The Auxiliary service is for scissors that are still in an operative condition. Now they are not the reliable scissors the stylist had experienced, Four sharpenings per year for one scissor.
Valid until canceled
As scissors become worn it makes sense to reviving the edge.
LS only sharpens scissors that are usable after servicing.
Setup a seperate prepaid plan for each scissor.

Prepaid 6 Month GeoPerfect Subscription
Free with the purchase of Inazuma Scissors.
Valid for 6 months
Add subscription to your cart & use Promo Code provided.
Subscription will zero out to be FREE only with Promo Code.
Separate Promo Code will be sent for each scissor sale.
Promo Code becomes invalid after 7 days.

6 LS Blade TradeMyBlade Subscription
Every 6 weeks
+$90 Each 6 week subscription is prepaid.
The only reliable subscription service for all your Lightning Sharp Clipper Blades. When you purchase six or more LS Blades, you are eligible to exchange them for identical refurbished blades.
Valid until canceled
Subscription and buying blades are separate transactions.

Add Blades to TradeMyBlade Subscription
Every 6 weeks
+$15 Always 6 weeks ahead
Adding more blades to your current subscription
Valid until canceled
Subscription and buying blades are separate transactions.
Lightning Sharp Subscriptions
Click for more details about GeoPerfect * Essential * Auxiliary * TradeMyBlade services.