LS International Brand Scissors
Lightning Sharp also offers a variety of moderately priced GeoPerfect Scissors.
Sam Phillips is continuously striving to discover excellent scissors that can be refined to the precise level that is required to match the potential of his GeoPerfect configuration. This leads to researching Asian scissors manufacturers other than his Japanese supplier.
The majority of new scissors, regardless of their country of origin, generally feel good and sharp, yet require additional precise modifications to satisfy the demands of stylists wanting a moderately priced product.
Each scissor model is initially selected for its acceptable quality of steel, as this verifies it can be modified to be geometrically competent. They are modified to meet Geometric standards by Lightning Sharp in the USA.
This standard is the definitive measurement that allows the scissors configuration to be perfectly balanced. These refinements determine how precise a scissors sharpness can penetrate through the hair. Even the sharpest of edges may not be able to cut hair well if the scissors geometry has not been accurately constructed.
Other crucial factors are to determine that the haircutters' hand can easily coordinate with the handle design, the blades are a perfect balance of width, length, height, and the reliability of the tension system. Finally, how does the scissors overall design contribute to making the haircutting process ergonomically safe when the stylist employs anatomical techniques.
Immediately following the upgrade to the GeoPerfect standard for this level of scissor, it will outperform the original configuration from the manufacturer. Despite some companies asserting that there is no distinction in scissors, there do exist three measurable levels of manufactured quality, good, better, and best.
These levels of scissors superiority, or lack of, are easily identified by experienced industry leaders such as Sam Phillips. He has extensive knowledge of the verified capabilities of the finest steels, and visually inspects with micro-measurements.
Dedicated sharpening specialists can accurately verify whether the scissors manufacturers comply with industry standards.
GeoPerfect scissors are without doubt more costly to manufacture, yet they are more precise, easy to maintain and retain their sharpness longer.
Lightning Sharp sells only GeoPerfect scissors that are supported with their exclusive Elite Edge. This proprietary service is available only with the purchase of the Lightning Sharp Brands, such as their International and Inazuma Scissors.
Sam Phillips has been collaborating for decades with manufacturers to create the best scissors that exceed industry standards at every level of fabrication. They prioritize the use of superior grades of steels, modern expertise, CAD design systems, and employ quality control scrutiny.
One statistic that is not mythical is when stylists become more sensitive to their Basic Career Disciplines, they can evaluate the distinct variations in any scissor they handle.
These skilled haircutters have adapted naturally to overcome the slightest malfunction and instinctually recognize how to correct themselves or the scissors. Ignoring these principles can easily confuse the interpretation of a scissors ability to cut well. Take a moment to read When Scissors Fail, it is an excellent monologue.
Purchase Lightning Sharp’s International (rated better) or Inazuma Brand Scissors (rated best) with confidence. Guaranteed satisfaction with our Warranty and Return and Exchange Policy.